Putting Nebraska First

Larry's continued effort to help implement positive changes to mold our future. It is time to put Nebraska 1st.
Endorsed by:
- Mayor Jones of Alliance
- Dist. 3 Congressional candidate "Dave Else."
Video: Building Economic Stability in Nebraska: Click HERE
I am NOT accepting donations.
A politician that is motivated by donations is not honest representation.
I have been in politics for 20 years. If you need help on a policy, feel free to contact me. I've always had an open door policy.
A politician that is motivated by donations is not honest representation.
I have been in politics for 20 years. If you need help on a policy, feel free to contact me. I've always had an open door policy.
Nebraska 1st Initiative
We need to push a Nebraska 1st initiative. There are many ways that our government contracts with other States to do work that we can do in Nebraska. We should be utilizing our contractors and unions and investing in them. Investing in our own contractors and our own services is the only way to create economic stability. Hundreds of millions of dollars go to contracts with Colorado and Wyoming and that creates instability in our economy. If we want progressive improvements, we need to think of Nebraska first.
Health Programs.
There are many areas that need to be worked on and improved in our health programs. Over the past decade our government has decreased funds for clinics, drug rehab clinics, mental health clinics, and VA care. There are areas that I would want to work on and improve. To date, most people that need drug rehab or mental health end up in our correctional facilities rather than get the help they need. This has increased the recidivism rates and overpopulated our jail system. Utilizing drug courts, drug rehab facilities, mental health facilities, and a diverse diversion program has shown to reduce the recidivism rates by 60%.
Reduce Energy Cost by 60%
I will continue to work on a program that I've been researching that will decrease greenhouse gases, improve energy efficiency, and put more money into each district while decreasing everyone's gas and electric bills. The research shows that on average would decrease utilities by 60%. This program will bring more money into each community in the entire state, and at the same time it would reinvest into each community to advance educations and technology. We keep funds reinvesting into our own communities rather than spending our tax dollars in other States.
We need to push a Nebraska 1st initiative. There are many ways that our government contracts with other States to do work that we can do in Nebraska. We should be utilizing our contractors and unions and investing in them. Investing in our own contractors and our own services is the only way to create economic stability. Hundreds of millions of dollars go to contracts with Colorado and Wyoming and that creates instability in our economy. If we want progressive improvements, we need to think of Nebraska first.
Health Programs.
There are many areas that need to be worked on and improved in our health programs. Over the past decade our government has decreased funds for clinics, drug rehab clinics, mental health clinics, and VA care. There are areas that I would want to work on and improve. To date, most people that need drug rehab or mental health end up in our correctional facilities rather than get the help they need. This has increased the recidivism rates and overpopulated our jail system. Utilizing drug courts, drug rehab facilities, mental health facilities, and a diverse diversion program has shown to reduce the recidivism rates by 60%.
Reduce Energy Cost by 60%
I will continue to work on a program that I've been researching that will decrease greenhouse gases, improve energy efficiency, and put more money into each district while decreasing everyone's gas and electric bills. The research shows that on average would decrease utilities by 60%. This program will bring more money into each community in the entire state, and at the same time it would reinvest into each community to advance educations and technology. We keep funds reinvesting into our own communities rather than spending our tax dollars in other States.
Some areas that I will be working on are:
- I would work on programs to assure kids don't go hungry. Making sure that there is a breakfast and lunch program at schools, as well as a summer meal plan. That would mean supporting and adding to the Farm Bill and collaborating with other organizations that utilize the Farm Bill.
- I would also work on a program, that I've been researching to decrease greenhouse gases, improve energy efficiency, and put more money into each district while decreasing everyone's gas and electric bill. The research shows that on average would decrease utilities by 60%.
- ts.
- I would also work on programs to help decrease drug addiction. The primary goal for District 47 is to support the detox center that is being proposed in the area. This could help with addiction problems in the region. This will also add to each city's diversion programs that will decrease drug-related criminal recidivism rates. Over the past decade, several clinics were shut down because of defunding by the Legislatures and County Boards. Because of that, we have a soaring drug addiction problem. The lack of diversion programs had increased the recidivism rates which has overpopulated our correctional facilities.
- Address the lack of mental health facilities.
- End Truancy as a status offense. Utilizing diversion programs has reduced recidivism in children by 40% while utilizing our Juvenile Court system has been shown to increase other criminal activities that show advancing criminal activities into adulthood.
- Tackle farming, dairy, and ranching policies to improve free enterprise and help with direct, state-to-state, and international sales. This is something I worked on when I ran for Congress and resulted in some improvements in policies.
- In 2003 our government significantly reduced funds from our school system and put those funds into advancing correctional facilities making a pathway to a growing school-to-prison system. Today, we have the highest per capita prison overpopulation in the Nation. You shouldn’t have to fail for 20 years before you correct a wrong. Our school rankings were top in the world. Today, we fall below 17th. One of my goals is to right that wrong.
This shortlist is something that many people had brought to my attention. I have started working on research analysis and proposals to implement solutions to these concerning problems. These will have significant positive impacts on our district.
Information about Larry Bolinger, his campaign, previous campaigns, and donations can be located at www.LarryBolinger.com or by mail at 507 Niobrara Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska 69301. For a list of Larry's books, you can go to www.ScottBolinger.website.
Interview with Political Lens. Click HERE .
Interview with the Nebraska Associates of Public Employees. Click HERE March 2024
Interview with KGFW 10/21/22:
Attorney General Candidate: Larry Bolinger https://kgfw.com/?futurishared=6065&station=KGFWAM#.Y1OGEKaxVwk.twitter Interview with KGFW 4/18/2022 Click HERE. Interview with KNEB News. I do talk about why I'm running for Attorney General, the policies that I'm focused on with topics on victimless crimes, reducing recidivism, and the continued support for 21st Century Community policing. Click HERE for interview. |
Recent satisfying public service activity:
- I volunteered with the Activate Alliance group and started a sub-group for a community bike share program. We were able to get nearly 70 bikes donated. $8200 was donated to the Activate program with $2200 allotted to the bike program. The Community Bike program was released in 2021. In 2023 The Active Alliance was recognized for their work at the Annual Chambers Banquet
- I had seen a need for more housing in a community and addressed some areas of housing that were in Historical areas. I also address that in those areas there are grants to help develop studio apartments. This led business owners in the downtown area to conduct multi-use properties and increase the needed housing.
- 2022 The Alliance Police Department received special recognition for the VIPS program that I volunteer for.
- During my time running for Congress in 2020, I saw an issue in meat processing during the pandemic. The meat processing centers were increasing the retail prices and decreasing the price that they were paying the Ranchers. I seen this error in policies where the state only allowed USDA packing inspectors. My suggestion was utilizing State inspectors and direct sells. In 2022, the state inspector program has been argued in Legislature and is bringing positive changes for sale opportunities for both Ranchers and Farmers.
- Served several years on the Alliance Planning Commission
- Ran for public office for City Council in 2006, 2008, and 2016
- Ran for the Legislature in 2012
- Ran for the House of Representatives in 2018 and 2020.
- Ran for Nebraska Attorney General in 2022.
- Presented and argued several bills at the local, state, and federal levels.
- Served on the committee for the Nebraska Unicameral.
- 2021 Chairman for LMN Party for Nebraska District 3
- 2024 Chairman for Box Butte Democratic Party
- 2025 Chairman for the Nebraska Library Association New Membership Round Table.
- My extended resume on my full experience in political activities would be in a 274-page book I wrote called “Politics: Last Act of Defiance.” Volume II should be out in 2023. Volume II covers my campaign for Attorney General and strategies for running for office. Volume III will cover lobbying policies.
Public services and community activities:
- City of Alliance Planning Commission/planning commissioner
- Volunteer/help raised funds for DAVA
- Volunteer/help raised funds for the Nebraska Boys Ranch
- Volunteer/help raised funds for the YMCA
- Poker run / I ran 2 poker runs to raise funds for ABATE
- Self-Defense Instructor
- pool league/team captain
- Volunteer on the Activate Alliance Initiative to create a bicycle share program for the city of Alliance.
- Gave free rental space for the BBC tower to allow internet access for the local government in Alliance, NE.
- Volunteer work: Volunteer In Police Services (VIPS). This organization helps the local law enforcement where needed voluntarily.
- Donated training materials for police officers and school teachers.
- Serve on the Building Committee for the Alliance Police Department.

Right To Repair:
I find it unconstitutional that Congress would pass a policy that would make it a Federal Crime for consumers to work on the equipment they buy. I will fight to restore your Consumer Rights.
- Importance: The importance of this policy is to support consumer rights. To allow them the right to work on their property or give them the right to allow a qualified person to do the work. www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7OU8Ta67H0
- Preview: I will go through some of the issues of the “Digital Millennium Copyright Act” and its impact and talk about how some corporations have overreached their authority in violation of consumer law. I’ll review some of the issues of the Error 53 programs, John Deers' “End User License Agreement,” and circumvention of technology.
Juvenile Court vs. Social Service Mediation The Legislature is arguing bill LB568 which could end truancy as a status offense. It focuses more on root causes. It will utilize community programs to mediate those causes. The research that I have conducted proves that LB568 is the right choice. I do need help in contacting our state legislatures and encourage them to support LB568. Send them my research analysis to help persuade them to support the bill. |
Intro speech for 2020 campaign for House of Representatives:
Strait from the hip interview 2020 campaign for the House of Representative:
2018 campaign interview for the House of Representative:
Intro speech for 2020 campaign for House of Representatives:
Strait from the hip interview 2020 campaign for the House of Representative:
2018 campaign interview for the House of Representative:
Thank You For Your Support
Contact: Larry Bolinger
Address: 507 Niobrara Avenue
Alliance, NE 69307
phone: 308-760-7346
email: LB@LarryBolinger.com
Larry Bolinger Facebook click HERE:
Twitter: @Bolinger_Larry
List of books authored by Larry Bolinger are located at www.ScottBolinger.website or at Barns & Noble.