Reducing Our Energy Bill by 60%
By Larry Bolinger
The Nebraska Energy Efficiency Plan
By Larry Bolinger
- Title: The Nebraska Energy Efficiency Plan
- State the purpose of the bill: The bill is designed to improve and advance energy education, environment studies, and technology to help boost the economy in each individual town across the state. This bill will start by investing in each community to own its own community natural gas outlet with guidelines on investments in education and technology advancement. This program will be open as government-owned or non-profit.
- State who the bill will affect and how the bill will affect them. This bill will affect every person and every business in Nebraska. Advancing and improving our energy usage would drastically reduce energy costs for everyone in the state. This will end the choice system and have everyone in the community using their local system so money is reinvested into their own community.
- State what you want to accomplish.
- Create a community-own natural gas outlet in every town with it designed so that it reinvests into each individual community to advance education and technology in the areas of both environmental improvements and energy efficiency.
- Improve energy efficiency and decrease the demand for Natural Gas and Gas and at the same time remove the monopoly on Natural Gas, gas, and electricity to create affordable pricing.
- Improving technology would help with education opportunities and job opportunities. This would improve Natural Gas technology in both home and vehicle usage. This would create a grant for college.
- This would give an alternative source to Petro.
- This would allow continuous investments in renewable energy which will help decrease Natural gas and gas usage and the reliance on out-of-state or out-of-country resources. This will ensure consistent improvement in every town.
- Invest in the city transportation system and change from gas to Natural gas or electric fleet transport. This will decrease our need for foreign oil.
- $2000 credit for e-bikes. A voucher project for the public to buy e-bikes or conversion kits.
- Grants for education in advancing energy and environment technologies.
- Advancing technology and creating jobs in those areas of interest. Creating Stewardships.
- Reinvest in the community in the form of education materials, scholarships, grants for programs to reduce greenhouse gases, grants for gas and natural gas conversion for vehicles, energy-efficiency grants, and clean water grants can assure energy efficiency progressiveness, which assures responsibility to the consumer and environment.
- Establish a Nebraska Energy Efficiency Plan board to oversee and review the policy and process of the NEEP or assign this plan to an existing energy or environmental board such as the “Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy”.
- State how you want to accomplish your goal. This would start with a grant of 186 million dollars with a limit of 2 million dollars per county allocated every 2 years for the next 10 years to start their own Natural Gas outlet as a suggested starting point and utilize the Nebraska Energy Efficiency Plan to guide other energy efficiency opportunities. Every county will be given $2 million dollars to invest in each town. The money will be allocated by the energy board and will be divided by the percentage of the county's population per town to figure out what percentage of the $2 million they will receive. Every town's utility office will add Natural Gas to their outlet. They will also add the Nebraska Energy Efficiency Plan (NEEP) to their 5 and 10-year plan. Each City council will set a 5 and 10-year plan based on the NEEP guideline. It is recommended this be regulated by the “Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Board.”
- Conclusion: This may be the area where you state the consequences of not acting and the benefits of acting to approve the bill. For many years there has been a monopoly on gas and natural gas. For nearly 2 decades rural Nebraska has been buying electricity out of state. No investment in advancing energy technology has created a significant increase in cost, a lack of reinvesting in communities, and a lack of improved infrastructure. When we need advancement or an investment, taxes go up, because the money isn’t there to be utilized. If we do not invest in each community, costs and taxes will continue to skyrocket. Investing in each community will improve the economy in each town which will be a huge bump in our economy for the entire state. This will reduce reliance on out-of-state sources and keep more money reinvested into each community.
The Nebraska Energy Efficiency Plan Research Analysis
When the cost of living is high, it creates a need to research each area of concern and create plans to reduce costs with increment reductions and/or increment improvements. Responsible governance would review every possible way the cost increases and work on a way to decrease the cost of living to get expenses under control. Sometimes that could mean spending money to decrease running costs. That would mean investing in communities and making things run more efficiently to help reduce running costs. In areas of energy efficiency, you can look at how to advance technology to cut running costs and you can look at accountability for energy needs and environment footprints. Accountability would be if we create a problem, we create a solution to the problem. We make a mess, we work for a solution to fix the mess. Creating energy efficiency goes hand-in-hand with environmental programs. Managing the energy programs responsibly can help each individual community all at once. Usually, advancement for a state is politically motivated so only the most populated cities advance to help gain the most votes. This results in significant losses to more than 90% of the State. Advancing all at once can be done in a structured program.
High energy cost creates a demand for change. Taxes are high, land taxes our high, oil and gas are very high, natural gas prices have skyrocketed, and electricity prices have skyrocketed. The overall cost of living has been grossly mismanaged by the significant increase in most things people require to simply get by. Progressing or improving our energy efficiency and technology shows responsibility in governance. When we look at the many energy sources and the environmental impacts and economic impacts, shows that this will continue to be a growing concern. Gas prices are at an all-time high. Natural gas prices double in price every few years and greenhouse gas concerns are at an all-time high. Relying on foreign imports to meet consumer demands takes away the U.S. Job market and has created a significant increase in the cost of oil. Relying on foreign oil creates a monopoly and control of prices. The demand to decrease coal use creates demands on other sources of energy. Decreasing business competition created monopolies in the energy production business which has driven up costs. With the energy costs going up, so are the overall taxes. In 2023, the local, county, and state levels of government increased taxes higher than what is allowed by policy and standard practices. An increase in energy and taxes increased the overall cost of living. An increase in gas prices increases transportation costs to transport food and other products. An increase in transportation also increases the cost of products because of that added expense. An increase in Natural Gas prices increases one's heating and cooling bill.
“The Nebraska Energy Efficiency Plan” will advance energy technology, reduce reliance on foreign aid and foreign oil, reduce the cost of living, address environmental concerns, and improve the economy. Implementing this plan as government-owned or non-profit will make Nebraska an economic powerhouse. Making each town run more efficiently will decrease the local government's income, however, adding Natural Gas to its utility will make up for the losses while at the same time adding continuous advancements. This will improve energy efficiency and add jobs.
In general, the majority of taxes are spent on the largest cities. Taxes get increased in rural areas to help infrastructure in the largest cities. For Nebraska, that means the majority of funds are spent in Omaha and Lincoln. With the primary focus on advancing infrastructure in 2 towns for more than 20 years, slows economic development for the entire State. This type of investment has crippled the economy in 95% of the state. The failure of economic development results in increasing taxation. In roughly 2003 the state started shutting down energy plants and resorted to buying electricity out of state. The reason why they made the decision to buy out of state rather than build new infrastructure was because it was cheaper to do. 20 years of buying out of state and nothing going back into the communities results in hundreds of millions of dollars of lost funds that would have significantly improved the infrastructure across the entire state. We would have to pay extremely high taxes to make up for 20 years of lost funds. As of 2024, Nebraska is one of the highest tax states in the Nation. It is like trying to swim against the current, hoping things will get better, but by not investing, the economy has steadily gotten worse.
From 2016 to 2020 the Governor of Nebraska claimed that Nebraska was having stellar economic growth. What had happened during that time was more than a dozen clinics were closed in the Panhandle, and then more than a billion dollars was spent in Omaha and Lincoln to build new schools and correctional facilities. The entire state stopped growing for a decade to improve things in two cities. Politically, in a statewide election, all you need to win is to gain majority votes in those two cities. However, making budgeting decisions based on political advancements comes with significant costs to the people. The economic growth also created increases in taxes and increases in expenses for the entire state. Investing in energy efficiencies is investing to be able to decrease costs and taxes.
The government needs to act responsibly on consumer and environmental concerns. Put away the political agenda and start acting responsibly. Be mindful of the environment and ensure consumer rights are protected. When there are unethical practices, there may be a need for government involvement. For the most part, an energy-producing company's priority is to make energy and money with little focus on energy efficiency. Use the most to make the most. An energy company pushing energy efficiency is usually a case of government policies that force efficiency. A community-owned natural gas company that is designed to reinvest in the community in the form of education materials, scholarships, grants for programs to reduce greenhouse gases, grants for gas and natural gas conversion for vehicles, energy-efficiency grants, and clean water grants can assure energy efficiency progressiveness, which assures responsibility to the consumer and environment.
What I propose is to start with converting the city's taxi service vehicles to natural gas-running vehicles or electric ones. Retrofit natural gas pumps at utility offices. Natural gas-run vehicles are more efficient than gas-run vehicles. Natural gas supplies are local so all money transfers are local rather than the majority of the money spent going to other States or Nations. This will reduce the reliance on foreign oil. Utilizing local keeps the money local which will improve the local economy. Electric vehicles would be the most efficient, but most smaller communities would not be able to afford new electric-run vehicles. Conversions to natural gas would be the least expensive and it is going to a company that will reinvest into the community. Natural gas vehicles create less carbon than gas-run vehicles, but leaks from Natural gas equate to 7% of the world's carbon pollution.
The next phase would be to advance education and technology and create a network of geothermal units, hydroelectric, and solar farms. To advance technology and get the most out of community investment, the program has to reinvest in the community. Much of the State buys electricity from other States, which takes money out of the State, worsens our economy, and decreases our potential economic growth. Creating a program that improves economic growth gives the company the flexibility to create programs that reinvest back into the community in the forms of Educating about advancing technology, and creating grant programs to advance energy efficiency. Create scholarship programs for people who want to study energy technology, with a focus on energy efficiency and/or reducing greenhouse gasses. It would be a far better program to create a natural gas program with the intent of reinvesting a percentage of its funds towards improving and advancing education and technology than a tax program to fight greenhouse gases. A community-owned natural gas program invests in improving our needs without tax increase while a tax program does not have a money base, so its only way to exist is through taxation which could be in the trillions if you are looking at a national program such as the “Green New Deal.” Improving our way of life can be done without increasing taxes. A business or government running in this way would advance the entire state rather than advancing the two largest cities in the state.
The reason why there is a soaring debt rate, a significant increase in taxes, and a significant increase in the cost of living is that there is a lack of investment in education and technology advancements. A community-owned natural gas program that is designed to reinvest in the community can resolve the inflated cost of living. If it is designed to only make the government money or corporation money, it will plateau and the cost of living will increase, and technological advancement will take decades to occur in rural areas. A program that is designed to reinvest in advancement will assure an improved future. Utilizing natural gas for vehicles will eliminate the need for foreign oil reducing travel and transportation expense and will drive down the cost of products that are transported. The advancement of networking geothermal units will cut energy costs by 60%. The overall cost of living will be reduced.
This can be started as a nonprofit organization or government-owned. When the business is built up as a nonprofit and assured it is a success, then there could be a proposal to the local government to absorb the Community Natural Gas into the local government-owned utility business.
Bolinger's experiences in business stem from an education in business management and running his own contractor and property management business for more than 20 years. He ran the #1-rated property preservation business in the region. In 2021 he earned his Bachelor of Science Degree from UNO, and in 2023 earned an MPA from Bellevue University. He authored 18 books. Three books are on politics called “Politics: Last Act of Defiance volume I – 3.” The first book is on Larry’s first 15 years in politics and lists his campaigns. The second volume is on building campaign strategies and covers his campaign for Attorney General. The third volume covers lobbying policies. This business plan for a community-owned natural gas company will be in the third volume as there will be a need to lobby for approval and lobby to gain philanthropists' interests. Sometimes when you know a program will benefit the government and the community, you may have to create the program and show it works before you gain government or community interests.
Bolinger: “My interest in establishing a community-based natural gas company stems from my involvement in politics. I have been in politics for roughly 20 years. I’ve run for public office for the positions of City Council, State Legislature, Congress, and Attorney General. In my campaign for Attorney General in 2022 I set the record number of votes for a third-party candidate. The highest recorded sense 1934. During that campaign, I worked on more than 50 policies. When a person campaigns, they campaign for needed changes. Elected officials support businesses from the demands of the government and the people. Because of many people's demands, there are many people's voices that are not heard. Campaigning is one way to get your voice heard. If you want to improve your community by improving policies, you have to make sure you are heard. If it is obvious that there is a need to change, sometimes you need to go to extreme measures. Such as forming a PAC and forming interest groups to help campaign your message. This project can directly affect the community and increase the city's revenue without increasing taxes. This will add jobs and infrastructure. A similar plan was proposed by Alliance former Mayor Dafeny in 1990, and it was shut down harshly. It wasn’t as extensive as I have written, but it was quickly shut down. By learning from his approach, we learn what not to do. Creating a business plan is one step. A possible next step is to have it up and running as a not-for-profit business. Showing that it is a success and then you make the proposal to have it absorbed into the city's utility office. A person who creates a non-profit with the intent of transferring it to government ownership after it has been a proven success has to be done by someone who is goal-oriented and is not tied down by greed or has a focus on self-enrichment.”
Larry proposed the idea in April of 2023 to the city council. Former Mayor Dafeny responded with:
Dafeny: Larry I introduced a motion to take over the gas supply back in early 1990, I was the lone advocate for this. I might phrase it as getting my ass handed to me. The only support I got was from the then-city manager, Lyle Lacy. Larry I also resigned Monday from the council.
Larry: I might have to do a research analysis to help prepare to argue to do a city-owned natural gas. Most likely, people will scream socialism. I think, if need be, I could argue it well.
Dafeny: The gas company and their employees screamed about safety issues. Having it would be no different than water, sewer, and electric service from the city. Gas employees would most likely have the opportunity to go to work for the city. Rates would be a lot lower. No shareholders.
Larry: “From talking to the former mayor, I will need to have a more formal presentation with the research to show the success that other communities have had. It will show that the program could save the community money and it will show how it will help improve the economy and infrastructure so that they have an overall picture of its potential.”
The reason why this program will be created is to help push accountability in our use of natural resources. We create greenhouse gases, so we should be accountable for fixing any damages we create. We do that by reinvesting in our community. An energy program that is designed to invest in education and technology advancement in the study of the environment. This would consist of such items as:
- scholarship programs
- continuing education
- grant programs to educate about greenhouse gases and renewable energy
- studies to research and implement new technology to advance programs to reduce greenhouse gases.
A board would have to be developed, and then an administration to manage the business, and then collaborate with several entities. There will be a collaboration with sub-contractors or a collaboration with a company that manages a sub-contractor network to work on the gas lines and units.
To develop this program the board would have to work on constituency relatedness to develop the interest and plan to eventually create a relatedness board and a business start-up time frame. This could lead to an intermerge between two or more non-profits. Eventually, there should be a public-private partnership with the government-owned utility until the business is fully integrated to help the transition. One of the first things to do is to recruit board members and start developing a strategic plan of action. If it is a non-profit, you will need a board, if it is government-owned, the County Commission and City Council is the board with a state board oversight committee.
It may be important to build up this community natural gas program as a nonprofit before merging it into the City’s government utility program. If it is not built up and shows it can sustain itself and show that it does give back to the community, the community could vote against the merger. So it is important to take the necessary steps and build trust in the community. Build trust with your community and local government to help gain acceptance. If the City Council is in full support of the program, there may not be a need to start this program as a nonprofit. Only a timely plan of action.
This could start with introducing the idea to nonprofits with similar business platforms such as HEET and Bold Nebraska. One of HEET’s goals is to create a network of geothermal units for cities to help cut down on greenhouse gases and cut energy costs. Bold Nebraska lobbies policies to fight against greenhouse gases and promotes renewable energy. This could start as a cross-sector collaboration between the Nebraska Energy Efficiency Plan Board, HEET, and Bold Nebraska if they are all in agreement with working together, if not, there will need to be a continued push for gaining other corporate support. Then eventually the collaboration with the local utility office and City Council. Create the business strategy and use that as a guideline for every city in the state.
The system, if done right, is a work to fail. It is a natural gas storefront that works to replace natural gas usage by advancing newer technology and education. It is designed to put back into the community while improving technology to eventually make natural gas obsolete. If you fail correctly, you end up with a significant technology upgrade, which will lead to advanced education in renewable energy, advanced education and employment for maintaining renewable energy equipment, expand renewable energy machinery manufacturers, mass geothermal network and usage, a significant reduction in energy usage, a reduction in energy prices, a big reduction in natural gas usage, and a reduction in greenhouse gases. Advancing technology should always have a plan to advance education opportunities so that job opportunities in each community improve.
The strategic plan for this program was part of a political strategic plan during Bolinger's campaign for the State Legislature that was presented in 2023. This was introduced to the Scottsbluff County Democrat party and to Bolinger’s political support group that helped him in his campaign for Attorney General in 2022. Bolinger introduced his platform for the State Legislature to the Scottsbluff County Democrat Party. He presented a local program that each city or county could copy. Information about this plan was sent to every City Council and County Commissioner in District 47 and to every State Legislature. One of the first plans would be to work on setting up a network of interested parties and gain state interests.
It is understandable that people are uncomfortable about change and they are very uncomfortable about the government gaining ownership of a business. When people are being overcharged for essential items, the government has stepped in to rectify issues of consumer gouging as well as dismantling monopolies.
Article Review:
Dominique Ramos wrote an article about City Public Services (CPS Energy) on the CPS Energy news site titled “CPS Energy Receives First Commercial Retrofit Certification from Build San Antonio Green.”The CPS organization's focus is to reduce greenhouse gases by updating the facility's energy efficiency. CPS is the world's largest electric and natural gas community-owned business. In 2023 CPS received a commercial retrofit certification due to their efforts to create energy savings of more than 10% which made the CPS Energy Headquarters 60% more energy efficient than the previous headquarters. (Ramos. 2023)
The City Public Services (CPS Energy) was established in 1942 in San Antonio, Texas. In the 1970’s they partnered with a jointly owned nuclear power plant, In 2010, invested in clean coal. 2012 invested in natural gas. The original investment was 35 million dollars. In a 75-year span, it increased to 9 billion dollars and has one of the lowest gas rates in the 20 largest cities in the nation. Their customer base is 907,000 electric and 373,000 gas customers. The CPS invests back into the community and consists of environmental conservation and stewardship programs. (CPS Energy)
An article written by Miriam Waser in the WBUR News titled “The country's first gas utility-run networked geothermal heating and cooling system breaks ground in Mass’ covers a system of networked geothermal. This network will provide heating and cooling for 37 buildings. With a geothermal unit, the only electricity being used is to run the pump. People run into high heating bills because of the amount of energy it takes to heat an element. Geothermal is energy transference rather than creating energy. Takes less energy to conduct transference. People who participated in a pilot project of geothermal saw a 20% reduction in energy bills. The reduction in energy usage would reduce emissions by 60% as geothermal is emission-free. The network geothermal pilot program is being built in Framingham Massachusetts with Eversource managing the process that was introduced by Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET). (Miriam. 2023)
An article written by Matt Egan in August 2022 titled “US natural gas prices spike to a 14-year high. Matt claims that the increased prices were due to overuse of air conditioning because of the heat. High usage created a low inventory which created higher demand. Europe is having a natural gas crisis. They rely on natural gas from Russia. The sanctions placed on Russia had made it a hardship for much of Europe. Natural gas prices have skyrocketed and put Europe into a recession. That has created more demand for the US to send natural gas to Europe, further depleting our already low inventory, which creates a higher demand and the control or monopoly to be able to further increase the price of natural gas.
Bolinger: For my personal natural gas usage. My Natural Gas bill would run around $500 a month during the winter, and it could go as high as $900. I spent $10,000 to update my boiler system. By doing that it improved efficiency and reduce my energy bill to more than half. On average my natural gas bill was reduced to roughly $230 per month. Within 3 years my natural gas bill has doubled, 3 more years, the natural gas prices doubled again, and I was paying more than before the upgrade. Without advancing technology, prices could double every 3 years like it has been for the past 6 years.
Business reviews:
Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET): Bolinger reviewed the organization called HEET (Home Energy Efficiency Team). It is a nonprofit organization that has a mission to cut carbon emissions through system change. One of their focuses is to change from natural gas to transition to a networked geothermal system. They are working on both short-term and long-term goals. The short-term goal is to install the first utility-run networked geothermal system based out of Framingham Massachusetts and then use that as a model for expansion. HEET relies on individual donations to carry out its work. This organization started in 2008. They worked on making homes more energy efficient. They work to create a network geothermal by educating people, the government, and entities. HEET has educated, trained, and informed the public of its mission through many charity events, training sessions, campaigns, and advertisements. They have trained 3,500 volunteers and improved 225 buildings. They work both independently and with more than two dozen other organizations to help achieve their mission. There are several leaders in HEET who have a background in clean energy that conduct research and research analysis to give the public credible information.
The Public Alliance for Community Energy is a community-owned natural gas supply storefront located in Lincoln Nebraska. ACE has a revenue return program that kicks back funds to the different towns that are members of ACE. ACE was created to ensure competition to help drive down inflated natural gas prices. (ACE)
The “Blue Corridor Natural Gas Vehicle Rally” was created by Gazprom. Gazprom is the world's largest natural gas producer. While we work to decrease our carbon footprint, we can utilize the natural gas program and divert from a harsher form of environmental carbon footprint. Changing from gas usage to natural gas usage can decrease our carbon footprint while at the same time making each state more self-sustaining utilizing their own resources rather than being reliant on other States or other Countries for energy needs. Gazprom started the Blue Corridor Natural Gas Vehicle Rally in 2008 and has seen more than 200 natural gas vehicles across 26 European and Asian countries, and covered over 60,000 km. The rally consisted of a team of vehicles that run on natural gas and they drove across Europe and Russia to help promote and educate that natural gas is established and cost-effective. It also promotes that it is a solution for reducing carbon emissions. The 2019 rally started with an event in Istanbul that had over 120 decision-makers from the gas industry. The trip crossed the Balkans, southern Europe, Italy, Belgium, Austria, and Germany, to Auapa on the coast of the Black Sea, to Hemmgrad Oblast, Moscow, and St. Petersburg. (Uniper. 2019) The strategy was to push environmental sustainability and address that message to the energy and natural gas industry, transportation partners, legislature, and NGV users. Gazprom utilized social media to promote the Rallies. They worked with PR advisers from the U.S. and Europe and they promoted both on the ground and remotely and utilized up-to-date coverage stream of events. (Page. 2018)
How I would improve the program:
The strategy is to push for environmental stability. Promoting the change from gas to natural gas is a responsible solution that will help reduce the need for foreign supplies of oil and gas. It is both economically and environmentally responsible. Utilizing natural gas as a local source will help develop the economy, save consumers money, and show environmental responsibility.
- Community Focus:
Consumer Concern #1: Where to get natural gas for your vehicle. A station for natural gas is few and far between. There have been expansions of stations but still do not fit the needs of everyone. So there would be a need to create a project for mass expansions to meet the needs. Gazprom is the producer of a product that needs storefronts. Utilizing the government's utility program as a storefront can create mass expansions of stations in the quickest possible timeframe. If a local government-owned utility office is the storefront, that puts more money into each individual community, which gains the support of each local government entity and addresses the community needs. A city-owned natural gas company would create extra funds for the city and its energy grant system to help improve energy efficiency in their homes and automobiles.
Consumer Concern #2: Taxi services. Many Europeans rely on a taxi to get around. In some communities, the government owns a city's transit system. Creating a transit system that is run on natural gas would create a good PR product for natural gas and a responsible government consumer base. A government-owned transit system using natural gas-run vehicles could give reports on a regular basis that could be used to educate the public.
Communications Strategy:
The communication strategy for this project utilized one area of online social media. That is an area that can be improved. There would be a need to expand to involve several social media groups and global news media. The organizations, their missions, and findings on natural gas-run vehicles need mass media exposure to gain more support. Mak a push for more interactive involvement with the public. Addressing each community's concerns and individual needs will help create more engagement with the public and local governments. Creating regular engagement with the public will help gain trust in the community. Educating the public plays a big part in advancing each community.
The focus should be on a trust strategy. Creating programs that create a way to engage the public is part of that strategy.
Argue that the price of gas can gain some support as the price of gas has been in crisis mode for the past decade and the only way to fix that problem is by decreasing the demand for that product. The monopoly on gas has created control over a product which creates control over prices. By creating competition, you take away and destroy that monopoly. Today's market shows natural gas is significantly lower than gas prices and has been for many years. Natural gas can be obtained by suppliers that are more locally located which invests more into each community. Gas and oil are imported products. There are more expenses when buying imported products. The expansion of the TurkStream, Nord Stream, and Nord Stream 2 pipelines created a reliable source of natural gas for the entire nation. That shows a reliable source of goods from longstanding organizations that are adding value to your community. This will reduce the overall household expenses.
Strategic Plan
The first thing everyone needs to do is learn the mission and vision of the organization and put effort into obtaining those goals.
Mission: The NEEP is a Natural Gas outlet that is owned by the community. It is designed to give back to the Community. The purpose of the organization is to give the community an affordable price for natural gas while providing several opportunities to give back to the community.
Vision: The NEEP will serve each County. If it starts in just one county, that county will serve as a model for the entire state so that it can help each community improve its economy and at the same time put more into education and environment studies.
In a strategic plan, we create a:
- Plan to plan
- Assessment
- Goal setting
- Develop operational and implementation plan
- Execute the plan
- Evaluation.
- Education materials
- Scholarships
- Grants for programs to reduce greenhouse gases
- Energy efficient grants
- Clean water grants
How do we meet our mission and vision goals? For a new organization, we have to create a strategic plan. When we create a strategic plan, our focus is on creating a plan with a viable way to implement that plan.
Plan-to-Plan: There should be a bi-monthly meeting to address the different parts of the strategic plan to ensure that the focus is on the mission.
Assess the situation and identify strategic issues. Review the strengths and weaknesses of opportunities and threats. There is community-owned natural gas and there are utility programs, but they differ in design. There will be a need to address any problems and create a plan of action to correct any weaknesses.
Setting Goals: In the monthly meeting there will need to be set goals and a plan of action to obtain those goals. There are three focus areas of goals:
- Service goals: Focus on the number of households served and project growth with marketing strategies to be able to meet those goals.
- Business efficiency: Assuring the work that is being done is progressing the right way. Then weigh the cost and means.
- Financial Goals: Focusing on cash flow as well as community reinvestments.
Execute the plant: Put the plan into motion.
Evaluate the plan: Conduct regular reviews on how the organization is doing. Is it meeting its goals and conforming to its mission and vision?
The example of what the City Public Services shows is that what is proposed can be done. They had created a community-owned utility program, expanded it several times, created some investments, created education programs or stewardships, and were able to reduce the cost of both electricity and natural gas. The HEET organization has a focus on improving energy efficiencies and conducting a network geothermal business. That can be a very big project and a very expensive project. A large city could create a budget for a project like that. A smaller city may have to request state or federal funding. Under this applied project, you would create the non-profit, make it a success, and then absorb it into the city's utility program, or it could start as a part of the city’s utility expansion program without first starting as a nonprofit. You create the funds and a way to put money back into the city and increase technology. This project can create the funds to advance the geothermal network. Advancing this program would mean that there would not be a tax increase to advance technology. If something like what CPS had done is utilized in the city creating a 60% reduction in energy, could open the door to decreasing the “cost of living” expense and more availability of city funds.
Branding (what this program will do):
- Improved Utility Program
- Decreased Rates
- Local Maintenance
- Training opportunities
- New Technology will create the demand for higher education and maintenance demands.
As shown in the article review, prices go up when the total inventory is low. People may get nervous about change, but to advance technology to create a better system to be able to reduce energy costs, you have to have innovative changes. Natural gas prices have become unreasonably high. The unreasonably high price has created a demand for change. Low inventory and sanctions on Russia created a higher demand. Lack of competition created a monopoly on natural gas, so the price can increase or decrease depending on very few corporations. High demand and low competition put too much power or control under one roof. Everything has a lifecycle. The Alliance Community Natural Gas is dedicated to creating social transformation and playing its part in the life cycle of the natural gas industry and eventually phasing out the old technology and replacing it with a new one.
A push to promote Natural Gas and retrofit gas cars to Natural Gas can reduce the US need for foreign oil. The direct impact of the rallies and staying consistent each year help gain more interest in participating in each rally. This created an expansion in their marketing and outreach programs. The 2019 rally focused on the support of the TurkStream and Nord Stream pipelines. The promotional PR strategy to push natural gas for vehicles and the two pipeline projects educated the public and government entities on the environmental impact and responsibility of natural gas usage over gas. The indirect impact gained support for both the TurkStream and Nord Stream pipeline expansion projects and future endeavors.
While the rally did help with promoting natural gas vehicles it also helped expand natural gas stations, The push for addressing each individual community would expand exponentially. The initial phase did help get the ball rolling. Governments are educated on the benefits of natural gas-run vehicles. Phase two would be to work directly with each community to expand each area in a mass expansion project.
CPS Energy. Community Investment (
ACE Public Alliance for Community Energy. (2023). About ACE | ACE - Public Alliance for Community Energy (
Bolinger, Scott. (2022). “Politics: Last Act of Defiance.”
Worth, Michael. (2021). “Nonprofit Management. Principles and Practices. Sixth Edition” Sage Publications, Inc
Ramos, Dominique. (10 May 2023). “CPS Energy Receives First Commercial Retrofit Certificate From Build San Antonio Green.”
Uniper. (2019). “Blue Corridor Rally — Gas into Engines!”
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phone: 308-760-7346
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Address: 507 Niobrara Avenue
Alliance, NE 69307
phone: 308-760-7346
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Twitter: @Bolinger_Larry